Guestbook: Sea Dream Cottage
A Note from Richard and Nanae:
Our Sea Dream Cottage, on the water's very edge on the westmost corner of Orcas Island sits in the middle of the sunset arch. Thus, the sun sets right in front of the cottage no matter what time of year. Even the smallest light shows visible only to those lucky enough to be HERE will create an impression that will remain in the mind's eye. It is the balance of sky, sea and the multitude of islands that make this sunset phenomenon "magic"
Book Sea Dream Cottage if you are a sunset fan, Once here, please be warned that you may not want to leave. Ever! (we live next door)
Mornings here are also "Magic!" so do open your eyes and look out at the glasslike beauty of the morning.
*We cede the remainder of the page to our eloquent guests.

Postcard worthy!❤❤❤ -- Oct 21, 2020
Guest Photo. Published with Permission
"I've rambled on to anyone who would listen during the last year about the San Juan Islands, ever since I found out about them. The set up here at the Sea Dream and Day Dream Farm are better than I could have asked for. The coziness of the the farm and the world class views at Sea Dream were a refreshing surprise, as I doubted they could live up to the photos on line. Combined with the fall color, wildlife and friendly quaint villages, Orcas Island was the perfect place to propose to my future wife."

"“in the meantime, thanks for the hummingbird feeders. They provide lots of photo opportunities themselves… Attached are a couple I took our first night. Hope you can enjoy… .
guest photo: published with permission May, 2022

"There is a wholeness here. . . a completeness beyond words."
"Magic, dreamy! What a special place. I will never forget the Orca farewell!"
Whales swim by on last day of stay. Picture of Orca whales taken from deck of Sea Dream

"we had pleasent weather, time to relax and saw so much wildlife - right from the deck (harbor seals, sea lions, harbor porpoise, minks, river otters, bald eagles and even orcas!!! Truly amazing!"
"WOW!!! The most spectacular lodging experience in my life. . . and it has been a long and eventful one."
"It's time beyond measure since I had an opportunity to read for hours on end with the sound of the sea caressing the shore. I'm delighted at our stay here and hope to return soon."

"Sea Dream with the welcoming green door"
Our guests' photos are impressive. This one was taken on July 4th, 2020 and is published with permission.
". . .so peaceful and restful here. . . she noticed it in my driving -- everything slowed down. Your cottage is the perfect honeymoon place and the care you've put into appointing it with all the necessities makes it even better than perfect. . ."
"The remarkable view from Sea Dream Cottage is amazing…always changing, always interesting, always mesmerizing. Its delightful to sit at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and just take it all in ... We’ve so enjoyed the peacefulness and the quiet! It is good for the soul. We’ve been fortunate to experience both Isle Dream and Sea Dream Cottages – both wonderful beyond words."

"We always find guestbook comments so fascinating. . . so amusing! So much melodrama! so much syrupy sentimentality! so many !!!!. Sea Dream is a wonderful cottage with drop dead gorgeous views. Very nicely decorated and very well maintained. But, it didn't transform our lives. We didn't find inner peace (already have it). . . .we simply had a really really nice time. We lucked out weatherwise with two perfect sunny days so we spent a lot of time on the deck watching the boats & birds & ferries & otters. Oh, and two world class sunsets!
one more thing: we are scrabble and opwords players and you had both games! Thanks."

"This view captured our attention every moment we were here. We did not leave this spot once!"
**This is true. Although I know that her husband drove off once to get groceries. She really did not go anywhere else. . . Nanae (witness)
"Finally, a hammock at Sea Dream. When I thought it couldn't get any better ."
*Summer. 2015 Returning guest

"Happy New Year!
This year was my 50th and I can't think of a better
place to conclude 5 decades and start new chapters. This cottage is magical -- the peacefulness is just what we've needed. . . the sights and sounds of the ocean, cracking fires, lots of sleep, painting and being with the one you love, .heaven!
"DECEMBER -- Most Memorable things --
1. "Sammy" came to visit us -- the cute harbor seal. . .lots of birds, lots of different duck species.
2. An eagle flew right across the big picture window -- up close and personal --COOL!
3. Finding Milky Way -- right outside in the night sky from porch!!"*
*(this list goes on for an even dozen "memorable things. Visit and tell us about your list -- Nanae)
"What a beautiful cottage! The windows are absolutely breathtaking. Laying in bed at night listening to the sea brush against the coast and gazing at the stars was absolultely amazing."

"Hi! Thought we'd share some photos from our fantastic stay with you. Feel free to use if you'd like! Please let me know if they are viewable for you."
Thank-you for the lovely picture of our driftwood art.

"fresh flowers, music playing, lamp on, door unlocked -- welcome. fire in fireplace, doors open to the breeze and the waves, sun going down on a beautiful first day -- peace.
. . .Beautiful sunny day to view creation from tower on top of Mt Constitution! Happy to come back to our little cottage to end the day with the sunlight playing across the water!
Leaving in the morning for the next and last leg of our vacation, so will close with a thank you. This piece of our journey was everything we wanted it to be."

" Restful calm and serenity is here. . ."